Monday, February 19, 2018

What is best source of stem cells: Adipose versus Bone Marrow versus Umbilical Cord versus Dental Pulp versus Other Source

This study showed Adipose derived stem cells to help restore injured salivary glands. However the length of time ADSC helped was less than when using Bone Marrow stem cells or Spleen stem cells for this purpose.

Time will tell if a mixture of adipose and bone marrow derived stem cells will be the best for dry eye and/or Sjögren's syndrome. For now I believe adipose is the best to try first. 

 2018 Feb;12(2):e1289-e1296. doi: 10.1002/term.2567. Epub 2017 Nov 27.

Cell extracts from spleen and adipose tissues restore function to irradiation-injured salivary glands.


A cell extract from whole bone marrow (BM), which we named "BM Soup," has the property to restore saliva secretion to irradiation (IR)-injured salivary glands (SGs). However, BM cell harvesting remains an invasive procedure for the donor. The main objective of this study was to test the therapeutic effect of "Cell Soups" obtained from alternate tissues, such as adipose-derived stromal cells (ADSCs) and spleen cellsto repair SGs. BM Soup, Spleen Soup, ADSC Soup, or saline (vehicle control) was injected intravenously into mice with IR-injured SGs (13Gy). Results demonstrated that all three cell soups restored 65-70% of saliva secretion, protected acinar cells, blood vessels, and parasympathetic nerves, and increased cell proliferation. Although protein array assays identified more angiogenesis-related growth factors in ADSC Soup, the length of its therapeutic efficiency on saliva flow was less than that of the BM Soup and Spleen Soup. Another objective of this study was to compare "Fresh" versus "Cryopreserved (-80 °C)" BM Soup. It was found that the therapeutic effect of 12-month "Cryopreserved BM Soup" was comparable to that of "Fresh BM Soup" on the functional restoration of IR-injured SGs. In conclusion, both Spleen Soup and ADSC Soup can be used to mitigate IR-damaged SGs.

 2018 Feb 1;414:239-249. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2017.11.025. Epub 2017 Nov 24.

The future of mesenchymal stem cell-based therapeutic approaches for cancer - From cells to ghosts.


Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stromal cells which can differentiate into a variety of cell types including osteoblasts, adipocytes and chondrocytes. They are normally resident in adipose tissue, bone marrow and the umbilical cord, but can also be found in other tissues and are known to be recruited to sites of wound healing as well as growing tumours. The therapeutic potential of MSCs has been explored in a number of phase I/II and III clinical trials, of which several were targeted against graft-versus-host disease and to support engraftment of haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), but currently only very few in the oncology field. There are now three clinical trials either ongoing or recruiting patients that use MSCs to treat tumour disease. In these, MSCs target gastrointestinal, lung and ovarian cancer, respectively. The first study uses MSCs loaded with a HSV-TK expression construct under the control of the CCL5 promoter, and has recently reported successful completion of Phase I/II. While no adverse side effects were seen during this study, no outcomes with respect to therapeutic benefits have been published. The other clinical trials targeting lung and ovarian cancer will be using MSCs expressing cytokines as therapeutic payload. Despite these encouraging early steps towards their clinical use, many questions are still unanswered regarding the biology of MSCs in normal and pathophysiological settings. In this review, in addition to summarising the current state of MSC-based therapeutic approaches for cancer, we will describe the remaining questions, obstacles and risks, as well as novel developments such as MSC-derived nanoghosts.


This study was done in rats.

 2018 Feb 14:1-14. doi: 10.1080/08941939.2018.1433254. [Epub ahead of print]

Comparative Analysis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Bone MarrowAdipose Tissue, and Dental Pulp as Sources of Cell Therapy for Zone of Stasis Burns.

Author information

a Ahi Evran University , Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery , Kırşehir , Turkey.
b Dumlupınar University , Faculty of Medicine, Department of Histology and Embryology , Kütahya , Turkey.
c Erciyes University , Gen Kök Genome and Stem Cell Center , Kayseri , Turkey.
d Adnan Menderes University , Faculty of Health Science, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics , Aydın , Turkey.
e Dumlupınar University , Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology , Kütahya , Turkey.
f Beykent University , Vocational School, Department of Medical Services and techniques , Istanbul , Turkey.
g Osmangazi University , Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biostatistics , Eskişehir , Turkey.



The implantation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) has been shown to exert benefits for the survival of the zone-of-stasis. However, the clinical experience indicates the importance of selecting the right source and type of stem cells. Therefore, we planned the current study to perform a quantitative comparison of MSCs isolated from three different sources to provide information useful in selection of the optimal source and to see whether critical mechanisms are conserved between different populations.


The protective effects of MSCs derived from bone marrowadipose tissue and dental pulp were compared in a rat model of thermal trauma. The stasis zones were evaluated 72 h after the burn using histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and biochemistry.


Gross evaluation of burn wounds revealed that the differences between the mean percentages of the calculated necrotic areas weren't statistically significant. Semi-quantitative grading of the histopathological findings revealed that there were no significant differences between damage scores. Immunohistochemical assessment of apoptotic and necrotic cell deaths revealed that the differences between the mean numbers of apoptotic and necrotic cells weren't statistically significant. Myeloperoxidase activity was found to be significantly lower in the adipose tissue group. Biochemical and immunohistochemical assessment of tissue malondialdehyde revealed that the differences between the groups weren't statistically significant. Finally, the number of neo-vessels in the dental pulp group was found to be significantly higher.


Our findings suggest that bone marrowadipose tissue and dental pulp may serve as a universal donor MSC source for the prevention of burn wound progression.

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