Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Did Pellevé make my dry eye worse?

A wonderful patient's husband bought her a session of Pellevé. A few hours after treatment she had terrible right eye pain that was debilitating. She has been through a great deal with her dry right eye after LASIK that this was a terrible, un-welcomed bump on the road to beauty.  

Pellevé is a non-invasive wrinkle reduction system. It uses radiofrequency technology to heat deep layers of the skin, stimulating the production of new collagen in the face, including the skin around the eyes. A series of monthly treatments is recommended with yearly touch-ups for optimal results says its website. 

There have been no published reports that Pellevé or similary types of radiofrequency treatments cause or worsen dry eye, but it is not impossible. 

There was a study (authors had a financial interest in 
eyeThera) noting that Pelleve has a similar effect on dry eyes and MGD that Lipiflow does.

The study only had 10 patients so I am not impressed yet,
but many believe Pelleve should not make dry eyes worse.

Still it is not clear. This is a case of 1 so time will tell. There is one patient who felt her dry eye
worsened after Thermismooth.

Will keep you posted to see what happens.
company devoted to the
care of DED


Obstructncy energy for heating, coupled
with manual expression, as a means to reduce MGD-
related DED. The initial results from this study appear
promising and suggest parity of treatment response
compared to Lipiflow within the small subset of
patients in this series. Further studies are warranted

Dry Eyes After Thermismooth

Dose Thermismooth cause dry eye? It seems my dry eye condition is worse after 1 treatment. I currently use restasis for the condition.
Thank you for your question. I am not aware of Thermismooth causing dry eye. Theoretically, thermismooth increases blood flow to the eye area, which should actually decrease dryness. Having dryness after one thermismooth treatment is likely just coincidental. As always, discuss your concerns with your provider! Best of luck to you.
Hagerstown Dermatology and Skin Care - Hagerstown
Hagerstown Dermatology And Skin Care - Hagerstown 

ThermiSmooth and dry eye

Thermismooth should not cause dry eye.  The only reasons I can think of that would have caused this are if the gel used got into your eyes, or if the wrong gel was used to begin with.  There is a gel used for the body but should not be used for the face because there are ingredients that can irritate the eyes.  

Thermismooth causing dry eyes.

Thermismooth around the eyes should not cause your dry eye problem to worsen unless you are wearing your contacts during the procedure wt your eyes closed. If you are a contact wearer please be sure to remove them prior to the procedure.


The Maine Technology Institute partially
funded this project and had no role in the design or
of this research. Edward Jaccoma, MD,
Craig Lither-
land MS, and Andrew Jaccoma, BS,
MBA have equal
shared interest in eyeThera, a
company devoted to the
care of DED. Aseef Ahmed,
BS, MS, has no potential
conflict of interest.
The Maine Technology Institute partially
funded this project and had no role in the design or
of this research. Edward Jaccoma, MD,
Craig Lither-
land MS, and Andrew Jaccoma, BS,
MBA have equal
shared interest in eyeThera, a
company devoted to the
care of DED. Aseef Ahmed,
BS, MS, has no potential
conflict of interest.

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