Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Which Insurance Covers Lipiflow or Femtosecond Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery? The only company I have ever heard of covering these needed procedures is AT&T!

Until today, I have never seen an insurance or company cover Lipiflow or Femtosecond Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery. They had always been considered these procedures out of pocket.

Lipiflow is medically necessary, in my medical opinion, for patients who have a loss of one or more meibomian glands on meibography and/or have dry eye symptoms to save the meibomian glands and prevent worsening of dry eye symptoms and chronic eye pain.

Femtosecond Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery is the best way to have cataract surgery for the majority of patients (patients who had ocular trauma or have advanced glaucoma may not be candidates).

The only company I have ever heard of covering these needed procedures, I found out today, is AT&T!

It's called CarePlus & one must sign up for this if one works there.

I am very impressed that AT&T is so forward thinking to cover these procedures for their employees! They clearly care about their team!

Thank you to my patient who took the time to bring this in and show me!

Sandra Lora Cremers, MD, FACS

PS: He is looking to see if they will cover Lipiflow 2x per year which is recommended in patients with significant MGD/DED & have difficulty in applying warm compresses daily. 

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